Thursday, October 25, 2012

Requirements Elicitation using Software Requirement Patterns

Requirements elicitation is the process of acquiring system requirements from system stakeholders. The quality of this process is critical to make information technology (IT) projects a success.
When a company runs many elicitation processes over time, it is often the case that a significant proportion of requirements is recurrent and belongs to a relatively small number of categories, especially in the case of Non-Functional and Non-Technical requirements. Capitalizing on knowledge acquired in previous projects seems in this way an adequate strategy to improve the quality of requirements, and then increase the changes of project success; as well as to increase the efficiency of the requirements elicitation process. Our PABRE framework proposes an application of the concept of software requirement pattern as a means to capture and capitalize requirements knowledge in the context of IT systems and services procurement projects.

Currently our framework includes:
·  A metamodel that describes the structure of patterns and the catalogue.
·  A method for the process of use of the catalogue in the requirements engineering stage.
·  Two tools (see below) helping in the use, management and evolution of the catalogue.
·  A software requirement patterns (SRP) catalogue with 29 Non-Functional SRP and 37 Non-Technical SRP. These two catalogues are generic and apply to every kind of software domain (although of course every domain may have in addition some particular NF-reqs and NT-reqs). We are also interested in the construction of Functional SRP for several domains as for instance: Content Management Systems (CMS) or Cloud Computing and specifically in Software as a Service (SaaS).
We have defined several collaboration scenarios, but we are open to other collaboration ideas. If you are interested just contact us.   

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